This ghost shader has been created in Unreal Engine. The shader is interactive through exposed material parameters, which allow the developer to modify various properties.
Ghost parameters:
- Floating Speed: Controls the floating speed for the Z axis (up and down).
- Animation Speed: Controls the animation speed.
- Animation Smoothness: Controls the animation smoothness. A higher value will make the animation smoother.
- Floating Direction: Controls the minimum and maximum floating direction. Each of the channels (RGB) represents the X, Y and Z axis. Changing the value for each of these channels will change the direction of the floating.
- Animation Direction: Controls the minimum and maximum animation direction. Each of the channels (RGB) represents the X, Y and Z axis. Changing the value for each of these channels will change the direction of the animation.
- Texture: Controls the diffuse texture.
- Emissive: Controls the emissive surface property.
- Metallic: Controls the metallic surface property.
- Roughness: Controls the roughness surface property.
- Specular: Controls the specular surface property.