

Wick is a casual 2D maze game where you traverse through mazes using your mouse. The game was developed using Unreal Engine 4. Although the engine is mostly used to create graphical 3D games, it surprised me how easy it was to make a game controlled entirely with the mouse.

As the engine already allows me to customize the mouse cursor icon, all I had to do was to create a box trace around the cursor. The box trace would detect if the cursor was overlapping an obstacle or wall, and then reset the cursor to the starting area of the maze.

Unlike most other maze games, Wick includes moving, rotating, scaling and pulsating obstacles. This obstacle system was developed using Blueprints Visual Scripting. I created one system that allowed me to control all sorts of obstacle settings. This ensured that changes made to the system would affect all of the obstacles in the entire game.

For more information about Wick, check out the game page, and the user interface page.