Advanced Pixelation

  • Title:Advanced Pixelation
  • Category:Post Process Materials
  • Release Date:2023-04-27

Elias Wick's - Advanced Pixelation is the largest collection of pixelation post process shaders on the market for Unreal Engine! With over 12 unique pixelation and retro effects to choose from, you can easily add a touch of vintage charm or modern edge to your projects. Each effect has been carefully developed to deliver stunning pixelated results, ideal for evoking a classic arcade ambiance.

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Get ready to pixelate with largest collection of pixelation post process materials for Unreal Engine! Choose from a collection of more than 12 exclusive pixelation and retro effects, designed to imbue your visuals with either a nostalgic, vintage quality or a cutting-edge, modern vibe.

Whether you're aiming for a retro-inspired platformer or a unique puzzle game, the included materials offer complete customization of the pixelation effect. From the size and shape of the pixels to the color, gradient and texture. You can create a range of unique looks that will transport players back in time.

Advanced Pixelation is expertly optimized for performance, ensuring that your projects run smoothly without any lag. The included materials are not only powerful, but also incredibly easy to use, making them the perfect addition to any developer's toolkit. With the included example level, you can fully experience the range of effects and explore the creative possibilities of this amazing post-processing pack.

Take your players on a nostalgic journey back to the golden age of gaming with Elias Wick's - Advanced Pixelation!

Shader information, parameters and showcase video: